Iris Yves Vincent & Cynthia Clyde

Yggdrasil's Circuit, 2024

Stable Diffusion & TouchDesigner

The tree that pulls from the truest form of nature, with a constant state of birth and decay. "Yggdrasil's Circuit" recreates this cycle of continuous change while reflecting the implication of technological advances alongside nature. Utilizing a unique tree, the cyber sculpture completes the other half of the missing foliage to call to question the 'change' and its' humanistic factors.


Iris Yves Vincent and Cynthia Clyde are two current University of North Texas students studying New Media Arts. Iris Yves Vincent (he/him) is a mixed media artist that specializes in performance, photography, and digital arts. Constantly questioning the taboo, he utilizes the complex aspects of human emotions and conceptualizes the feared. Alongside, multimedia artist Cynthia Clyde (she/her) archives voiceless emotions in music, interactive video, and digital mediums. She pushes the interlacing of visual and auditory, imbuing motion, revealing transmutations of understandings and imagery.

Instagram: Cynthia Clyde - @xmyri.888

Yves Vincent - @fuckiguess